Aluminum, 24-hour Urine


  • EPIC Code:
  • LAB3074
  • Soft Test Code:
  • UAL3
  • Send Out Test Code:
  • 14451
Clinical Significance

Individuals undergoing hemodialysis are at risk for aluminum toxicity. Prolonged accumulation may cause anemia, encephalopathy, and vitamin D-resistant osteomalacia. Also, workers exposed to high levels or to long-term low levels of aluminum dust are at increased risk of toxicity.

Specimen Collection & Preparation

Patient Preparation

Avoid fruits, juices, and tea for 24 hours prior to collection.

Specimen Requirements:


7.0 mL aliquot from a well mixed 24 hour Urine Collection in a Plastic Container
Minimum Volume:
3.0 mL Urine*

* This volume does not allow for repeat testing

Collection Instructions:

1. When starting the 24-hour period, urinate and discard (throw-away) this specimen. NOTE THE TIME
2. From that time on, collect all urine by urinating into a clean container and transfer into the provided container. 
3. Try to pass the last urine just prior to the end of the 24 hour period. Add this urine into the container. 
4. Urine Specimen should be kept refrigerated during and after collection. 

Printable Patient Collection Instructions

English 24 Hour Urine Collection

Spanish 24 Hour Urine Collection 

Burmese 24 Hour Urine Collection

Arabic 24 Hour Urine Collection 

Transport and Storage:
  • Ambient: 5 Days
  • Refrigerated: 14 Days
  • Frozen (-20 C or colder): 30 Days

Clinical Interpretation

Reference Range:

< 36 mcg/24hr

  • Atomic Spectroscopy (AS)

Clinical Significance

Individuals undergoing hemodialysis are at risk for aluminum toxicity. Prolonged accumulation may cause anemia, encephalopathy, and vitamin D-resistant osteomalacia. Also, workers exposed to high levels or to long-term low levels of aluminum dust are at increased risk of toxicity.

Production Schedule

Sites Performed
  • Quest - Chantilly
Days Performed
  • Sendouts - Clinical
Turn Around Time

4 to 7 days

Coding & Compliance



CPT Coding