A specimen is any object or tissue that is removed from a patient by a physician. If the specimen is for Genetic Study, DO NOT follow this procedure. Please refer to the Genetics Section.
Cervical and Vaginal     
PAP Smear:
Adequate samples from endocervix, ectocervix, and vagina should be smeared thinly and evenly on 2-3 glass slides and fixed immediately by spraying fixative, Breck Regular hair spray, or immersing in 95% alcohol. Make sure to avoid air drying and make sure that slides do not stick to one another. Label the slides with patient’s name in pencil and send to the Laboratory with a properly completed Cytology/Histology Requisition Form, insurance information and pertinent clinical information (LMP, positive past history, hormonal therapy, etc.).
Please contact Fort Wayne Med Lab at 484-8445 to acquire specimen collection kit. Endocervical Brush Tip in Sure Path Solution. All cytology specimens must be labeled with the Patient's Name, Identification Number, Physician, and source of specimen

Sputum Cytology
Sputum should be obtained fresh in the morning for three consecutive days. Ask the patient to deep cough before expectorating. Saliva is not acceptable. The sputum sample should be collected in a covered plastic container, properly labeled, together with a properly completed Cytology/Histology Requisition Form, insurance information and sent to PHL.
Bronchial Wash and Brush, Gastric Wash and Brush
1. The physician collects the specimen on the brush.
2. The material from the brush is quickly applied to the sterile glass slide in a circular motion and confined to an area approximately the size of a dime.
3. Immediately immerse the slides in 95% alcohol to avoid air drying. Also, make sure slides do not stick to one another.
4. For disposable brush, clip the brush short and immerse in a separate jar of 95% alcohol.
5. Send the labeled specimen with properly completed Cytology/Histology Requisition Form to PHSL after the procedure.
1. The washings are collected in the sterile specimen traps.
2. If Microbiology examination is also needed, please state on the Requisition Form, and label the specimen.
3. Send the specimen to PHL along with the necessary Requisition Form(s).
4. Lab with split specimen and send part to Microbiology and part to Pathology for Cytology testing.
Thoracentesis and Paracentesis Fluids,Cerebrospinal Fluid, Urine
Since multiple examinations are frequently desired on such fluids, the following table may assist in completing requisitions and providing the proper amounts of specimen:
Routine Culture, Gram Stain, Requires one sterile tube of specimen
Acid-Fast Culture, Acid-Fast Stain, Fungus Culture
Cell Block, Cell Study, “Tumor Requires bulk specimen
Cells,” Pap Smear
Cell Count: Requires only a few mL in a Lavender Top Tube, but is almost impossible due to the tendency of fluids to clot. If the specimen
is clotted, this will be noted on the report and the patient will not be charged.
Total Protein: Requires only a few mL.
To prevent the rapid deterioration of the specimen, it is recommended that the properly labeled specimen be sent to PHL by courier immediately after it is obtained, along with the properly completed Cytology/Histology Requisition Form.