Cryptosporidium EIA


  • EPIC Code:
  • LAB2120
  • Soft Test Code:

Specimen Collection & Preparation

Patient Preparation

Patient should refrain from taking a laxative or barium enema for 5 days prior to collection

Specimen Requirements

Ova and Parasite Collection Kit

Alternate Specimen

1) Unpreserved stool: Stored at 2-8'C and tested within 48 hours or frozen at -20 to -70 'C if testing cannot be done within 48 hours. 
2) Stool in Cary Blair Transport Medium (green vial): Refrigerated or frozen and tested within one week.


2 months Ambient

Collection Instructions

Collect the specimen in a clean, dry wide mouthed container, such as a bedpan or a wastebasket lined with a plastic bag. A clean, dry piece of newspaper or wax paper may also be used.
Do not pass the specimen directly into vial; Do not urinate on the specimen
Starting with the Pink Vial - Use the spoon built into the vial cap or the wooden stick (i* " provided) to transfer small samples from areas that appear bloody slimy, or watery   If the specimen is firm, take samples from both ends and the middle.
Continue adding samples until the liquid level, in each vial reaches the red fill line. Do Not Overfill.

Mix the content of each vial with the spoon or stick.
Recap the vial, making sure the lid is tight. Shake the vial until the contents are well mixed
If an empty vial is provided, fill with sample as directed and recap Do not mix or shake the contents

Fill out the information requested on the side of the vial label. Check the box that most closely resembles the specimen you just collected. Specimen should also be labeled with full legal patient name, date of birth, date and time of collection


Patient Collection Instructions
English collection instructions O&P Kit

Spanish collection instructions O&P Kit

Burmese collection instructions O&P Kit

Arabic collection instructions O&P Kit

Minimum Volume

Neonatal Volumne

Clinical Interpretation

Reference Range:

No Cryptosporidium antigens present

  • Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)

Production Schedule

Sites Performed
  • Parkview Regional Medical Center
Days Performed
  • Microbiology
Turn Around Time

1 to 3 days

Coding & Compliance



CPT Coding