Bordetella Pertussis / Parapertussis DNA Qualitative


  • EPIC Code:
  • MISC
  • Soft Test Code:
  • MSOT
  • Send Out Test Code:
  • 11365
Alternate Names
  • B. pertussis/para DNA, QL Real-Time PCR
  • Bordetella pertussis/parapertussis DNA, Qual R-T P
Included Tests

Bordetella pertussis DNA; Bordetella parapertussis DNA

Clinical Significance

Bordetella pertussis is the cause of whooping cough that may occur in unimmunized individuals. B. parapertussis is a related organism that causes a similar, but milder, disease. Laboratory diagnosis may require both culture and serological confirmation, although culture is difficult.

Specimen Collection & Preparation

Specimen Requirements

Nasopheryngeal specimen in a Blue Capped mini-tipped E-Swab® (with Liquid Amies)

Alternate Specimen

0.3 mL of Nasopharyngeal aspirate collected in a sterile vial, 

1 mL nasopharyngeal wash, aspirate , or turbinate, submitted in a sterile, plastic, leakproof vial (Nasopharyngeal aspirates: Instill 1-1.5 mL of nonbacteriostatic saline (pH 7.0) into one nostril. Flush a plastic catheter or tubing with 2-3 mL of saline. Insert the tubing into the nostril parallel to the palate. Aspirate nasopharyngeal secretions. Repeat this procedure for the other nostril. Combine aspirates into a sterile vial. Ship refrigerated (cold packs) or frozen.) Nasopharyngeal aspirate - Room temperature: 48 hours;Refrigerated: 8 days;Frozen: 30 days

Minimum: Swab in VCM Transport Medium (Swab in VCM Transport Medium (acceptable): Collect Respiratory specimens on rayon or Dacron® swab, or direct respiratory specimen such as BAL, respiratory aspirate, or sputum. Specimen source is required.)

Minimum: 2 mL of a respiratory sample, submitted in a sterile, plastic, leakproof container, frozen 

Swab, submitted in UTM or M4 Miltiuse Viral Transport Medium, frozen


48 hours Ambient
7 days Refrigerated
30 days Frozen

Ship swab refrigerated (cold packs).

Collection Instructions

Swab tips may be polyester, rayon, nylon flocked. Flexible shafts must be used for proper collection. Accuracy of the test depends on the collection of ciliated epithelial cells material. Half the distance from the nostril to the base of the ear could be used as estimation of the site of collection. Gently insert swab into the nostril. Keep the swab near the septum floor of the nose while gently pushing into the posterior nasopharynx. Rotate swab 2-3 times and hold in place for few seconds for optimal collection. Collection of both nostrils is recommended but not required.

Nasalpharyngeal Collection Instructions

Minimum Volume

0.3 mL NP Aspirate/Wash

Neonatal Volumne

Clinical Interpretation

Reference Range:

B. pertussis DNA: Not Detected
B. parapertussis DNA: Not Detected

Test Comments:

This test detects but does not distinguish between B. Pertussis and B. Holmesii.

  • Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction

Clinical Significance

Bordetella pertussis is the cause of whooping cough that may occur in unimmunized individuals. B. parapertussis is a related organism that causes a similar, but milder, disease. Laboratory diagnosis may require both culture and serological confirmation, although culture is difficult.

Production Schedule

Sites Performed
  • Quest - Chantilly
Days Performed
  • Sendouts - Miscellaneous
Turn Around Time

1 to 2 days

Coding & Compliance



CPT Coding

87798 x 2