CoQ10 testing is useful for individuals on statin therapy who may or may not be experiencing myalgia symptoms, hypercholesterolemic individuals, and asymptomatic individuals at risk for vascular disease who may have low ApoA1 and/or HDL levels.
Patient should not take Coenzyme Q10 supplements the morning of the blood draw.
Patient may take other nutritional supplements prior to testing
Patient may have water.
It is not necessary to discontinue nutritional supplements before this test.
1.0 mL Serum in a SST Gold Top Tube in Amber Vial/Opaque Bag
14 days Refrigerated (Transport)
6 weeks Frozen
Gently invert tube 5x (Do not Shake) after collected
Let clot for 30 minutes at room temperature
Centrifuge for 10 minutes
Protect from Light by placing the serum in a Opaque Bag
Freeze and ship frozen
0.3 mL Serum
> 0.35 ug/L
(Optimal relative risk: >0.35; High relative risk: <0.36)
CoQ10 testing is useful for individuals on statin therapy who may or may not be experiencing myalgia symptoms, hypercholesterolemic individuals, and asymptomatic individuals at risk for vascular disease who may have low ApoA1 and/or HDL levels.
3 to 5 days