For the evaluation of patient with recurrent infection for the possibility of IgA deficiency (IgAD). Patient with IgA deficiency may develop antibodies against IgA that make them suseptible to blood products including intravenous immunoglobulin.
1.0 mL Serum from a Red Top Tube in a Plastic Vial
1.0 mL Serum in a SST Gold Top Tube
1 week ambient
1 week Refrigerated
2 weeks Frozen
Testing is due to a transfusion reaction, the specimen should be drawn approximately a minimum of 10 days after the reaction. Testing performed on serum drawn immediately after a reaction may be falsely negative as transfused IgA may deplete anti-IgA antibodies.
0.4 mL Serum
Normal, healthy individuals who do not have anti-IgA antibodies contain <99 U/mL.
The reportable range is 16-1000 U/mL
For the evaluation of patient with recurrent infection for the possibility of IgA deficiency (IgAD). Patient with IgA deficiency may develop antibodies against IgA that make them suseptible to blood products including intravenous immunoglobulin.
5 to 7 days