Base Excess; O2 Sat; pCO2; pH; pO2
4.0 mL Whole Blood in a Green Top Tube - Li Heparin (FULL TUBE)
Minimum of 0.5 mL Whole Blood in a 3.0 mL Syringe with Heparin
Minimum of 0.2 mL Whole Blood in a Tuberculin Syringe with Heparin
All extra air must be expelled at collection from syringe
Remove needle from syringe before submitting to the laboratory
10 minutes Ambient
2 hours Iced
Due to smearing of print while on ice, please label specimen following procedure and a second label in the pocket of transport bag with requisition
Place on ice immediately after collection for up to 2 hours
Base Excess: -2.0 - 2.0
O2 Sat: 70% - 75%
pCO2: 40 - 50 mmHg
pH: 7.32 - 7.42
pO2: 25 - 47 mmHg
Low Limits: High Limits
pCO2: < 20 pCO2: > 70
pH: < 7.10 pH: > 7.60