Cholinesterase Plasma; Cholinesterase RBC
True cholinesterase (RBC and plasma) activity is decreased in individuals with exposure to organophosphorous insecticides. True cholinesterase, found in erythrocytes and nerve tissue, is responsible for inactivating acetylcholinesterase at nerve endings. With decreased enzyme activity, patients may display a range of nervous system dysfunction. Analysis of RBC and serum or plasma activity is useful in monitoring exposure and recovery.
To assess both acute and chronic exposure to organophosphates
5.0 mL Whole Blood in Lavender Top Tube EDTA unspun
1.0 mL Plasma from a Second Lavender Top Tube - EDTA in a Plastic Vial
Alternate Specimen for Whole Blood
3.0 mL Whole Blood in a Green Top Tube, Na Hep
7 days Refrigerated
1. Draw two Lavender Top Tubes.
2. Spin one tube to separate plasma.
3. Pour EDTA Plasma into plastic aliquot vial and refrigerate until shipping.
4. Send both the Whole Blood Lavendar Top Tube - EDTA and the Vial of EDTA Plasma from the second Lavendar Top Tube.
Do not send Packed Cells.
Plasma cholinestrase results, as well as calculated RBC cholinesterase results, are not accurate if plasma is not separated from the RBSs in a timely manner.
Receipt of only a single tue of whole blood is unacceptable.
Avoid Hemolysis & Lipemia
4.0 mL EDTA Whole Blood; 0.5 mL EDTA Plasma
9572 - 15031 IU/L
Male: 3334 - 7031 IU/L
Female: 2504 - 6297 IU/L
True cholinesterase (RBC and plasma) activity is decreased in individuals with exposure to organophosphorous insecticides. True cholinesterase, found in erythrocytes and nerve tissue, is responsible for inactivating acetylcholinesterase at nerve endings. With decreased enzyme activity, patients may display a range of nervous system dysfunction. Analysis of RBC and serum or plasma activity is useful in monitoring exposure and recovery.
To assess both acute and chronic exposure to organophosphates
2 to 5 days
82480, 82482