Clarity; Color; Red Blood Cell Count (RBC); Total Nucleated Cell Count (TNC)
Please contact PHL Client Response at 266-1500 (Option 2) to request a Stat courier pick up
20.0 mL Bronchial Lavage Fluid in a Lavender Top Tube - EDTA
20.0 mL Bronchial Lavage Fluid in a Clear Red Top Tube - No Clot Activator
24 hours Refrigerated
Order must include the site and/or source of collection
Do not centrifuge specimen
10.0 mL Broncial Lavage Fluid
No Reference Range Established
If TNC is = or > 5 cells/cumm a fluid differential will be reflexed and charged
If Lymphocyte on Fluid Differential = or > 15%, Flow Cytometry CD4:CD8 ratio test (FLHSR) will be reflexed and charged.
89050 (R 89051; 86360)