Coll/EPI Coll/ADP
< =173 sec Not Done
Platelet Function appears adequate. The effects of ADP receptor blockers such as Clopidogrel are unpredictable.
Prior to your collection please contact PHL Client Response at 266-1500 (Option 2) to request a Stat courier to maintain the integrity and stability of the specimen.
If specimen can not reach Parkview Regional Medical Center (PRMC) within 3 hours of collection, please send the patient to PRMC to be drawn at 11109 Parkview Plaza Entrance 3.
5.4 mL Whole Blood in two (2) Blue Top Tubes - 3.2% Na Citrate
4 hours Ambient "Specimen must be received at testing site within 3 hours of collection"
Collect this specimen with a 21G needle
Collagen/EPI will always be performed. If Collagen/EPI is >173 sec, Collagen/ADP testing will be performed.
Coll/EPI Coll/ADP
< =173 sec Not Done
Platelet Function appears adequate. The effects of ADP receptor blockers such as Clopidogrel are unpredictable.
01455578 (Reflex 01455579)
85576 (Reflex 85576)