Cadmium is a naturally occurring element that is mined and used in industrial production because of its durability. Excessive cadmium exposure can damage lungs,
kidneys, and the digestive tract.
4.0 mL Whole Blood in a Lavender Top Tube - EDTA
4.0 mL Clotted Whole Blood in a Navy Blue Top Tube - EDTA
4.0 mL Whole Blood in a Green Top Tube - Na Heparin
4.0 mL Clotted Whole Blood in a Navy Blue Top Tube - Na Heparin
2 days Ambient
5 days Refrigerated (Preferred)
2.0 mL
Adult Nonsmokers: 1.7 mcg/L or less
Adults Smokers: 5.0 mcg/L or less
OSHA Reference Range: 5.0 mcg/L or less
Early signs of toxicity have been observed at 30 ug/L.
Cadmium is a naturally occurring element that is mined and used in industrial production because of its durability. Excessive cadmium exposure can damage lungs,
kidneys, and the digestive tract.
3 to 6 days