Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Stimulation Test


  • EPIC Code:
  • LAB711
  • Soft Test Code:
Alternate Names
  • ACTH Short Stimulation Test
  • ACTH Stimulation Test
  • Addison Disease Testing
  • Cortrosyn Stimulation
  • Cosyntropin
  • Cosyntropin Stimulation
Included Tests

 Baseline Cortisol; 30 minute Cortisol; 60 minute Cortisol

Clinical Significance

Method for testing the adrenal reserve to rule out Addison Disease

Specimen Collection & Preparation

Client Notes:

Synthetic ACTH Injections are performed at Parkview Randallia Hospital Infusion Center Only. 

To schedule please contact Parkview Infusion Center (2200 Randallia 2nd Floor) to schedule call 373-4585

Performed as outpatient 

Patient Preparation

Glucocorticoids should not be taken prior to an ACTH stimulation test. The ordering provider will provide instructions to the patient detailing the length of time glucocorticoids should be withheld. Questions about compliance with these instructions should be referred to the ordering provider.

Specimen Requirements:


Three - 1.0 mL Serum in a SST Gold Top Tube(s) - One for each timed draw
Minimum Volume:
0.5 mL Serum for each specimen
Collection Instructions:

  1. A base line level Cortisol to be drawn.
  2. Within 30 minutes of baseline being drawn, the patient is to be given a 250-uG dose of synthetic ACTH, Cortrosyn, IM.
  3. A second Cortisol to be drawn one-half hour after this dose is given.
  4. A third Cortisol to be drawn one hour after the dose is given


  1. Base Line Cortisol - 8:00 A.M.
  2. ACTH Dose - 8:05 A.M. 
  3. One-Half Hour Cortisol - 8:35 A.M 
  4. One Hour Cortisol - 9:05 A.M.  

Above is just an Example of time frames this testing can be started any time (not limited to 8:00 am)

Transport and Storage:
  • Refrigerated: 48 Hours

Clinical Interpretation

Reference Range:

No reference range established

Test Comments:

A normal increase of at least 7 UG/DL of Cortisol is expected for a short ACTH stimulation test.

  • Chemiluminescence (CL)

Clinical Significance

Method for testing the adrenal reserve to rule out Addison Disease

Production Schedule

Sites Performed
  • Parkview Regional Medical Center
Days Performed
  • Chemistry

Coding & Compliance


01483971 x 3

CPT Coding

82533 x 3