Aspirin Response


  • EPIC Code:
  • LAB2443
  • Soft Test Code:
  • ASA
Alternate Names
  • ASA
Included Tests

Collagen ADP; Collagen EPI

Clinical Significance

Coll/EPI        Coll/ADP
< =173 sec      Not Done
Platelet Function appears adequate. Result consistent with no aspirin ingestion or patient is an Aspirin Non-Responder.
Coll/ EPI        Coll/ADP
>173 sec        <=126 sec
Results consistent with those of an Aspirin Responder or recent ingestion of antiplatelet medications. Also consistent with any of the following: mild thrombocytopenia, low hematocrit, mild platelet dysfunction or mild von Willebrand disease.
 Coll/EPI        Coll/ADP
>173 sec         >126 sec
Results consistent with those of an Aspirin Responder or recent ingestion of antiplatelet medications. Also consistent with any of the following or combination of: thrombocytopenia, low hematocrit, platelet dysfunction, von Willebrand disease.  Additional follow-up may be warranted if clinically indicated. 

Specimen Collection & Preparation

Client Notes:

Prior to your collection please contact PHL Client Response at 266-1500 (Option 2) to request a Stat courier to maintain the integrity and stability of the specimen. 

If specimen can not reach Parkview Regional Medical Center (PRMC) within 3 hours of collection, please send the patient to PRMC to be drawn at 11109 Parkview Plaza Entrance 3. 

Specimen Requirements

5.4 mL Whole Blood in two (2) Blue Top Tubes - 3.2% Sodium Citrate

Alternate Specimen



4 hours Ambient - Specimen must be received at testing site within 3 hours of collection

Collection Instructions

Collect this specimen with a 21G needle

Minimum Volume

Neonatal Volumne

Clinical Interpretation

Reference Range:

Collagen/EPI: 69 - 173 Seconds
Collagen/ADP: 54 - 126 Seconds

Coll/EPI          Coll/ADP
< =173 sec     Not Done
Platelet Function appears adequate. Result consistent with no aspirin ingestion or patient is an Aspirin Non-responder. The effects of ADP receptor blockers such as Clopidogrel are unpredictable.
Coll/EPI           Coll/ADP
>173 sec        <=126 sec
Results consistent with those of an Aspirin Responder or recent ingestion of antiplatelet medications. Also consistent with any of the following: mild thrombocytopenia, low hematocrit, mild platelet dysfunction, mild von Willebrand disease.  The effects of ADP receptor blockers such as Clopidogrel are unpredictable.
 Coll/EPI            Coll/ADP
>173 sec         >126 sec
Results consistent with those of an Aspirin Responder or recent ingestion of antiplatelet medications, such as GPllb/llla receptor inhibitors.Also consistent with any of the following: thrombocytopenia, low hematocrit, platelet dysfunction, von Willebrand disease.  The effects of ADP receptor blockers such as Clopidogrel are unpredictable. Additional follow up may be warranted if clinically indicated.

Test Comments:

Collagen/EPI will always be performed. If Collagen/EPI is >173 sec, Collagen/ADP testing will be performed.

  • Platelet Function Analyzer

Clinical Significance

Coll/EPI        Coll/ADP
< =173 sec      Not Done
Platelet Function appears adequate. Result consistent with no aspirin ingestion or patient is an Aspirin Non-Responder.
Coll/ EPI        Coll/ADP
>173 sec        <=126 sec
Results consistent with those of an Aspirin Responder or recent ingestion of antiplatelet medications. Also consistent with any of the following: mild thrombocytopenia, low hematocrit, mild platelet dysfunction or mild von Willebrand disease.
 Coll/EPI        Coll/ADP
>173 sec         >126 sec
Results consistent with those of an Aspirin Responder or recent ingestion of antiplatelet medications. Also consistent with any of the following or combination of: thrombocytopenia, low hematocrit, platelet dysfunction, von Willebrand disease.  Additional follow-up may be warranted if clinically indicated. 

Production Schedule

Sites Performed
  • Parkview Regional Medical Center
Days Performed
  • Coagulation
Stat Eligible

Coding & Compliance


01455576 (Reflex 01455577)

CPT Coding

85576 (Reflex 85576)