This test is designed to aid in diagnosis and/or treatment strategy for patients with AML.
5.0 mL Whole Blood in an Lavender Top Tube
5.0 mL (2.0) Bone Marrow in an Lavender Top Tube - EDTA in a plastic vial
5.0 mL (2.0) Whole Blood in an Green Top Tube - Na Heparin in a plastic Vial
7 days Ambient, 7 days Refrigerated, Unacceptable Frozen
5.0 mL (2.0) Bone Marrow in an Green Top Tube - Na Heparin in a plastic Vial
7 days Ambient, 7 days Refrigerated, Unacceptable Frozen
20 uL of 10 ng/uL DNA, only accept extracted DNA when extraction or isolation is performed in an appropriately qualified laboratory such as a CLIA certified laboratory or a laboratory meeting equivalent requirements as determined by the CAP and/or CMS.
14 days Ambient
14 days Refrigerated
Unacceptable Frozen
Requisition form and Pathology/Flow Cytometry Reports are required.
2.0 mL Whole Blood
Please refer to Interpretive Report
This test is designed to aid in diagnosis and/or treatment strategy for patients with AML.
11 to 15 days