3.0 mL Plasma from a Lavender Top Tube - EDTA on ice
Transport and Storage
Whole Blood – 20 minutes iced
Separated Plasma
2 hours refrigerated/iced
3 days frozen
4 weeks frozen ultracold
Due to smearing of print while on ice, please label specimen following procedure and a second label in the pocket of transport bag with requisition
1. Pre-Chill tube before collection (this step is preferred not required)
2. Place specimen in ice bath immediately after collection, before centrifugation
3. Centrifuge and separate specimen within 20 minutes of collection
4. Freeze or place on ice for immediate delivery to the laboratory
5. Keep on ice during transportation and delivery to testing department
Do not allow thawing
Do not collect by capillary draw
Do not collect in a microtainer
Do not collect in a Serum Separator Tube (SST or PST)
0.5 mL
11 - 32 umol/L