8.0 mL Urine in a Yellow Conical Tube
Swab in ithe Yellow PCR Media Tube
6.0 mL Urine in a Clear Red Top Tube - No Clot Activator
Swab - 3 days Ambient, 8 days Refrigerated
Urine - 24 hours Ambient, 24 hours Refrigerated
5.0 mL Urine
Negative for Chlamydia trachomatis by amplified probe
Negative for Neisseria gonorrhoeae by amplified probe
For patient less than 12 years of age - Culture is the only recommended procedure for diagnosing chlamydial or gonorrheal infection in cases of suspected child abuse.
87491, 87591
Duplicate testing on this test is not acceptable per Medicare: Testing to only be done every 14 days